Navigating your Functionality 

Within each individual there are billions of brain cells participating in an incomprehensible flow of processing that would take a lifetime to just define.  

Individuals process in different functional ways at different times. The better you understand the manner that you are processing, and optimize it, the more you will know why you think the way you do and why you have certain tendencies in the way you do things. The more you process completely the more you experience reality and the world around you. You have the capacity of thinking, feeling, using judgment, decision-making, and forming an opinion on anything. As a leader, your insight and oversight will allow you the opportunity to facilitate more substantial sustainable changes. 

Cognitive Performance Coaching

Cognitive Performance Coaching is a non-clinical opportunity to focus on optimal processing in areas such as attention, memory, reasoning, problem solving, decision-making, judgment, thought organization, and executive functions -- based on theoretical models of neuroprocessing [not provided as formal cognitive assessment or therapeutic intervention for specific impairments].

Interpersonal Dynamics Coaching

Interpersonal Dynamics Coaching is a non-clinical way to enhance one's role and effective interplay with the forces between two or more individuals or organizations -- based on theoretical models of neuroprocessing.

Situation Management Coaching

Situation Management Coaching is a non-clinical opportunity to pursue increased understanding of situational issues as well as personal guidance with complex situational elements, their related impact, and facilitation of successful outcomes -- based on theoretical models of neuroprocessing.

Leadership Facilitation Coaching

Leadership Facilitation Coaching is offered to improve your insight and oversight as a leader; and, to superpower your professional influence and leadership effectiveness -- based on theoretical models of neuroprocessing.